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TermsofMAXOZONEGENERATOR-Maxozone-Globalhighqualityozonegenerator|أكسدة الأوزون|ozone Generationsystemsolutionsprovider

شروط مولد الأوزون الأقصى

شروط مولد الأوزون الأقصى

Our MAX Ozone Acceptance of Terms

team has continuously conquered the research and development of multiple technologies such as high borosilicate glass tube double air gap discharge technology, new ozone polymer oxidation equipment for non-ferrous metal smelting nitric oxide waste gas treatment, and took the lead in mastering the full IGBT controllable rectification primary side resonance high power 2WM Power supply technology, The average working age of Wang Dongsheng’s team in this project is more than 6 سنين, and they all have a bachelor’s degree or above.


We currently provide ozone process technical support, إنتاج, R&D and OEM for ozone companies in many countries and regions such as Europe, America, Asia, and the Middle East.

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