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Application of ozone generator disinfection in secondary water supply projects

As a strong oxidant, ozone has been widely used in many fields and has a long history of application in water purification processes .Ozone gengerator was adopted almost at the same time as the most commonly used chlorine disinfection.

generador de ozono

However, due to the complex equipment, large investment, and high power consumption of the generador de ozono , it was only used in a few developed countries in the past. Since the 1990s, many countries have gradually adopted or added ozone treatment processes in drinking water treatment systems due to suspicions that chloroform formed after the reaction of organic matter in water with chlorine disinfection is carcinogenic.

In our country, ozone disinfection is generally in its infancy, especially in the water purification treatment process of water plants. However, in regional secondary water supply projects, ozone disinfection has been applied and certain experience has been accumulated. In terms of the disinfection characteristics of ozone, ozone has fast sterilization speed and good effect.

The test results show that under the action of 0.45mg/L ozone, the poliovirus will die after 2 minutos; if chlorine is used for disinfection, it will take 3 hours when the dose is 2mg/L. Ozone can not only quickly kill all pathogenic bacteria, fluorescent bacteria, proteobacteria, prophylaxis and other microorganisms, but also has a very significant bactericidal effect on some microorganisms that are resistant to common disinfectants. Al mismo tiempo, ozone disinfection is almost unaffected by pH.

MAX are committed to the research, producción y aplicación del mecanismo de generación de ozono., es un conjunto de componentes de generación de ozono de tamaño grande y mediano, máquina generadora de ozono R & D y fabricación, Ventas y servicio como una de las empresas de alta tecnología..



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