Miezul transformatorului specific pentru ozon este realizat dintr-un material special din oțel siliconic, cu un gol de disipare a căldurii rămase, care are un efect natural bun de răcire;
Folosit pentru a transfera puterea și pentru a potrivi ieșirea circuitelor electronice de putere cu camera generatorului, the requirements for its parameters are different from ordinary transformers. Due to the significant numerical changes in the load during the entire working process of the generator room, its characteristics also change with different lighting or normal working conditions, requiring the transformer to have a certain leakage inductance to balance the above changes and protect electronic components. Leakage inductance can easily cause circuit losses and generate instantaneous high voltage during commutation, so its size needs to be selected according to the load situation.
În același timp, there should be an appropriate number of taps left in the initial stage for equipment adjustment to meet the requirements of impedance matching. The power supply can only output maximum power when the impedance reflected by the load through the transformer to the primary level is equal to the internal resistance of the power supply.